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DeShana Collett, PhD, PA-C
Office Location

C.T. Wethington Building, Room 201G

900 South Limestone Street

Lexington, Kentucky 40536

Office Phone Number

(859) 218-0845

Fax Number

(859) 257-2454


Position Title
Physician Assistant Studies
Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Program

Dr. DeShana Collett, a three-time alumna of the University of Kentucky, with a Doctor of Philosophy in Studies in Higher Education, concentrating on Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation (2013), an M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies (2003), and a B.S. in Biology (2000).

She has earned numerous awards and honors at national and University levels throughout her career, reflecting her substantial contributions to education, leadership, and service. Notable achievements include being an academic fellow in the Southeastern Conference Academic Leadership Development Program, a leadership representative at the AAPA Leadership and Advocacy Summit, and a member of the Pi Alpha National PA Honor Society and Alpha Eta Honors Society. Recognition at the university level includes nominations and honors for inclusive excellence awards, such as the Lyman T Johnson Torch of Excellence Award and a nominee for the Dr. Doris Wilkinson Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award. Dr. Collett's teaching excellence is highlighted by her role as a faculty advisor and multiple recognitions as a "Teacher Who Made a Difference" at the University of Kentucky.

Dr. Collett's teaching experience spans didactic and clinical instruction, research supervision, academic advising, and significant program and curriculum development contributions. She has directed numerous master's research projects and doctoral committees covering diverse topics such as health literacy, pregnancy prevention programs, hypertension management, and more. She has played a pivotal role in program and curriculum development, including leading a UKPAS curriculum revision proposal.

As a faculty member, Dr. Collett has made extensive contributions to research scholarship and professional engagement, focusing on student performance metrics, clinical adherence to preventative practice guidelines, healthcare and health disparities, and introducing precision medicine in medical education. Her achievements include presenting at numerous national and international conferences and holding intellectual property, including a patent and commercialization for MediSkin, a silicone-based human-like artificial skin.

Currently serving as the Chair of the University Senate Council at the University of Kentucky, Dr. Collett's second term reflects her leadership and commitment to university governance. Her Senate leadership journey began in 2016 and progressed through various pivotal roles, including Senate Rules and Election Committee Chair and two terms as Senate Council Vice Chair. Within her college, she has served as the Director of Accreditation and Director of Admissions and Recruitment within the Department of Physician Assistant Studies. Since 2018, her accreditation involvement has spanned various roles, including accreditation specialist, site visitor, and National Board of Commissioner. Noteworthy among her professional roles, Dr. Collett serves as the Chairwoman of the National Board of Commissioners for the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).  Dr. Collett's service extends beyond the University and into her community. She serves as a current Board of Trustee for Sayre School and has served on various committees related to education and inclusion.

Dr. DeShana Collett is a highly accomplished and respected professional with a diverse background in education, academic administration and over 20 years in clinical experience in family medicine, she continues to make significant contributions to higher education and physician assistant education.


Collett, D. G., Powdrill, S. G. Silicone based human- like artificial skin and muscle layer simulation mode. Lexington, Kentucky: U.S. Provisional Patent Application serial no. 62/887,782 approved March 2021

Collett, D., Wright, K., Woltenberg, L., Nagasawa, P., Lelachuer,S. Student Performance Metrics and the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam®: A 3-Year Multi-Institutional Study. The Journal of Physician Assistant Education 33(4):p 296-301, December 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/JPA.0000000000000456

Collett, D., Temple, K. M., & Wells, R. D. (2022). The Challenges of Providing Preventive Health Care in Rural America. Physician Assistant Clinics, 7(1), 149-165. doi:

Frizell CA, Barnett JS, Ard D, Coleman VL, Jackson TL, Salahshor S, Collett D, Sturges D. Fewer Words, More Action: Cultivating an Anti-Racist Environment Strategies/Solutions (CARES) Framework for Physician Assistant Education. J Physician Assist Educ. 2021 Dec 1;32(4):272-276. doi: 10.1097/JPA.0000000000000394. PMID: 34817435.

Collett, D. G., Bennett, T. L. (2017). (Ed.), Intimate Partner Violence: The buck begins with healthcare providers. Prussia, PA: ADVANCE for NPs & PAs and Nurse Practitioner Perspective.

Collett, D., Tyler, K. M. (2016) "The Effects of Patient Characteristics on Clinician’s Adherence to Preventive Practice Guidelines," Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice: Vol. 9: Iss. 4, Winter 2016, Article 11, pgs 182-194. Available at:

Ryujin, D., Collett, D., Mulitalo, K. (2016). From Safe to Brave Spaces: A Component of Social Justice Curricula in Physician Assistant Education. Journal of Physician Assistant Education. 27(2):86-88. DOI: 10.1097/JPA.0000000000000073.

Collett, D. G., Bennett, T. L. (2015). Putting Intimate Partner Violence on Your RADAR: Understanding and implementing the 2013 United States Preventive Services Taskforce Recommendations for IPV screening. Journal of American Association of Physician Assistants, 28(10), 24 -28. DOI: 10.1097/  PMID: 2635287

Wyant, A. R., Collett, D. G. (2015). Ischemic Heart Disease in Women: The Silent Killer "Identification and Management of Chest Pain in the Female Patient. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 28(1):48-52. doi: 10.1097/01.JAA.0000458859.76773.2c.…

Wyant, A. R., Collett, D. G. (2013). Trauma in Pregnancy: The challenge of simultaneous diagnosis and management of two-patients-in-one. A Clinical Review. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 26(5), 24-29. DOI: 10.1097/01.JAA.0000458859.76773.2c. Diagnosis_and_ management_of.5.aspx

Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed) Invited (1)

Railey, K., Barnett, J, & Collett, D. (August 2017). Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: AchievingInclusion Excellence. In G. Kayingo and V. M. Hass (Eds.), The Health Professions Educator: A Practical Guide for New and Established Faculty (Chapter 23). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. DOI: 10.1891/9780826177186.0023

International (1)

Collett, D. G., 10th Annual International Academy of Physician Associate Educators Conference, International Academy of Physician Associate Educators, "Multimodal Strategies to Stimulate Engagement in Medical Professional Discourse: Lexington, Kentucky (September 22, 2017). (Referred Abstract and Poster Presentation)

National (20)

Sturges, D., Collett, D. ,Barnett, J., Continuing Conversations: Sojourner Syndrome in Black Women Pas and Patients. AAPA 2023 Conference, Nashville, TN. May 2023.Collett, D.  Role of Precision Medicine in Health Equity. All of Us Research Collaboration with PAEA four-part live workshop series from March -June 2023

Sturges, D., Collett, D. , Scott, T.,  Barnett, J., Untold Stories of John Henryism: Being Black in the PA Education. PAEA 2022 Conference, San Diego, CA. October 2022.

Sturges, D., Collett, D. , Scott, T.,  Barnett, J., Untold Stories of John Henryism: Being Black in the PA Profession. AAPA 2022 Conference Indianapolis, IN.  May 2022.

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), Wright, K. (Presenter & Author), Woltenberg, L. N. (Presenter & Author), Nagasawa, P. (Presenter & Author), Lelacheur, S. (Presenter & Author), PAEA Educational Forum 2020, Physician Assistant Educational Association, "Multi-Institutional Analysis of Performance Metrics Pre and Post PANCE Update." Original Research Podium Presentation. (October 2020). *** Accepted for Continuing Medical Education Credit***

Woltenberg, L. N. (Presenter & Author), Joyner, I. (Presenter & Author), Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), PAEA Educational Forum 2020, Physician Assistant Education Association, "2019 PANCE Blueprint Update: Robust Metric Analysis Pre/Post 2019," Original Research Poster Presentation. (October 2020). *** Accepted for Continuing Medical Education Credit***

Skaff, K. O., Collett, D. G., Fahringer, D. A., Chatterjee, S., PAEA Education Forum, Physician Assistant Education Association, "Motivating Students to Conduct Routine Oral Cancer Exam." (October 2019). (Refereed Abstract Submitted but not Accepted )

Collett, D. G (Presenter & Author), Lelacheur, S. (Presenter & Author), Collier. S. (Author), PAEA Educational Forum 2019, "Genomics and Precision Medicine, It's More than Skin Deep." (October 2019). Washington, D.C. (Referred Abstract and Podium Presentation) *** Accepted for Continuing Medical Education Credit***

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), “Reflective Teaching Pedagogy to Stimulate Learning in Professionalism” (October 2018). Anaheim, California (Referred Abstract and Poster Presentation) ***Accepted for Continuing Medical Education Credit***

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), Leadership 101 Minority Faculty Development Workshop. “Difficult Conversations Made Easy: Managing Conflict” (October 2016). (Refereed educational material and Workshop Facilitator) ***Continuing Medical Education Curriculum Development Material Offered***

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), Scott, T., (Presenter & Author), Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), Leadership 101 Minority Faculty Development Workshop. “Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Medicine: Creating a Diversity Plan” (October 2016). (Refereed educational material and Workshop Facilitator) *** Continuing Medical Education Curriculum Development Material Offered***

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), Leadership 101 Minority Faculty Development Workshop. “Difficult Conversations Made Easy: Managing Conflict” (October 2015). (Refereed educational and Workshop Facilitator)***Additional Published Scholarly Production of New Curriculum Development Material***

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), Scott, Terry, (Presenter & Author), Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), Leadership 101 Minority Faculty Development Workshop. “Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Medicine: Creating a Diversity Plan” (October 2015). (Refereed educational and Workshop Facilitator) ***Additional Published Scholarly Production of New Curriculum Development Material***

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author) Association of Family Practice Physician Assistants, "Well Woman Exam." (September 2015). New Orleans, Louisiana. (Refereed Abstract and Podium Presentation) Invited Speaker ***Additional Published Scholarly Production of New Continuing Medical Education Curriculum Development Material***

Collett, D. G., Dawson, P., 2014 PAEA Annual Education Forum, Physician Assistant Education Association, "The Progression and Pains of Social Networking in Medical Education."(October 2014) (Refereed Abstract and Spotlight Presentation) ***Additional Published Scholarly Production of New Continuing Medical Education Curriculum Development Material***

Harper, C. (Presenter & Author), Remer, R. (Presenter & Author), Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author) Beeman, C. S. (Presenter& Author), 2014 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, "Interprofessional Cultural Competence Programming,"," American Dental Education Association. (March 15, 2014). San Antonio, Texas. (Refereed Abstract and Podium Presentation)

Collett, D. G., 2013 Physician Assistant Educational Association Conference, PAEA, "The Influence of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Routine Screening Practices of Physician Assistants," (October 2013). (Referred Abstract and Poster Presentation)

Remer, R. (Presenter & Author), Mineri, A. (Author Only), Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), American Psychological Association Convention 2013, Division 17 2013 APA Convention, Health Care Providers' Cultural Competence: Impacting Personal Beliefs and Ethnocultural Empathy; 2013 (Referred Published Conference Abstract and Poster Presentation)

Remer, R. R. (Presenter & Author), Minieri, A. (Presenter & Author), Collett, D. G (Presenter, Author). Murphy, R. K. (Author Only), National Multicultural Conference and Summit, National Multicultural Conference and Summit, "Multicultural competency in healthcare: Empowering change agents through education." (January 2013). (Referred Abstract and Poster Presentation)

Collett, D. G., National Multicultural Summit & Conference, "The Influence of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Routine Screening Practices of Physician Assistants," Disparities that result from the quality and quantity of care delivered by a practitioner result in differentiated delivery of healthcare, thus unequal health outcomes. (January 2013). (Referred Abstract and Poster Presentation)

Regional Abstracts Publications and Presentations (8) and Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Curriculum Development

Collett, D.G., (Presenter & Author) (June 2022) University of Kentucky Entrepreneur Showcase. Mediskin.

Collett, D. G., (Presenter & Author), (October 2019). American Academy of Physician Assistants (Ed.), Kentucky Academy of Physician Assistants 2019 Fall CME Symposium, "Intimate Partner Violence." (October 26, 2019). (Invited Podium Presentation) *** Accepted for Continuing Medical Education Credit***

Collett, D.G. “Precision and Personalized Medicine-Transforming the Future of Healthcare through the Promise of Prediction and Prevention” Sabbatical Presentation, College of Health Science, University of Kentucky. (September 2019)

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), (November 2018). American Academy of Physician Assistants (Ed.), Kentucky Academy of Physician Assistants.” Domestic Violence, Assault, & Human Trafficking”. (Invited Podium Presentation) *** Accepted for Continuing Medical Education Credit***

**All the above presentations occurred since the last promotion and tenure**

Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), (October 2014). American Academy of Physician Assistants (Ed.), Kentucky Academy of Physician Assistants. “Intimate Partner Violence.” (Referred Abstract and Webinar Presentation) ***Additional Published Scholarly Production of New Continuing Medical Education Curriculum Development Material***

Remer, R. (Presenter & Author), Collett, D. G. (Presenter & Author), Harper, C. (Presenter & Author), 10th Annual Tri-State Diversity Conference, "When it seems like your health care provider is speaking a different language: Raising Awareness and Appreciating our Unique Traits." (February 22, 2014). (Refereed Abstract and Podium Presentation)

Collett, D. G. (October 2011). (2011). An Attempt to Operationalize Culture in Healthcare: An Analytical Literature Review (No. 3-Summer 2011 ed., vol. 24). St. Louis, Missouri: MWERA Annual Meeting.;http://www.allaca…; (Referred Abstract and Poster Presentation)

Collett, D. G., Bradley, K. (October 2010). Measuring Incidence and Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence on African American Women: A Cultural Competence Framework (No.3-Summer 2010 ed., vol. 23). Columbus, OH: MWERA Annual Meeting.; (Referred Abstract and Poster Presentation).