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Office of Faculty Advancement and Clinical Engagement

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The Office of Faculty Advancement and Clinical Engagement provides leadership, oversight, and support for the faculty development and clinical engagement of the College.  The office will focus on both ongoing faculty development and advancement and realizing the College of Health Science’s engagement with internal and external constituents in advancing and responding to changes in health care. 

With the full understanding that high quality education requires capable faculty, the Office promotes faculty growth and success by offering a structured new faculty orientation, ongoing faculty development activities, and support for creative research and educational initiatives. The Office maintains faculty standard personnel files and provides oversight and administrative support to ensure that university procedures pertaining to faculty appointment and reappointment, allocation of work effort, periodic and ongoing evaluation and promotion and/or tenure are followed. 

The Office provides leadership for existing clinical relationships within UKHealthcare as well as facilitating new opportunities, and facilitates existing Distance Campus Initiatives in close collaboration with the Offices of Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies, Student Affairs, and Finance and Administration.

Office Directory

Janice Kuperstein, PhD, PT, MSEd, FNAP

Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement & Clinical Engagement, Professor

Faculty Lifecycle Resources

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
Visiting Scholar Resources

Other Resources

Other Faculty Affairs Processes
Contract Change