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Technology Purchases

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  • All purchases for technology items must follow normal purchasing procedures and rules for the College of Health Sciences.
  • Some technology items or services must be approved by the Office of Technology Services in advance of being purchased.  Other items may require OTS guidance prior to purchase.
One-to-One Initiative
  • In general, the College of Health Sciences will provide one primary computing device for each qualifying faculty or staff member.
  • Additional devices can be requested for a user.
    • Users requesting the device will need to provide justification using the Secondary Device Purchase Justification and Quote Request form. 
    • Approval is required from both the Office of Technology Services and the CHS Office of Finance and Administration.
    • Funding for secondary (or more) devices must come from startup funds, non-recurring funds, grant funds, or department accounts.   
Desktops vs. Laptops or Tablets
  • In most cases, the primary computing device for a user will be a standard desktop computer from the university’s preferred vendor.
  • Under extraordinary circumstances, and with approval of the Office of Technology Services, a laptop may be used as a primary computing device.
    • In general, a tablet may not be used as a primary computing device.
    • If a non-standard desktop computer or if a laptop is approved for a user, any additional funds required to purchase the equipment over the cost of a standard desktop computer must be provided from faculty, or department funds.
Preferred Vendor for Computer equipment
  • Currently, the preferred vendor for computer equipment is Dell.
  • Under extraordinary circumstances, Faculty members may request a computer from a different vendor, with justification. 
    • If approved for an Apple computer, a user will be supplied with an Apple desktop computer or laptop with comparable cost and features as the standard Dell desktop computer or laptop.
    • If approved for a computer from a different vendor, a user will be provided a machine with comparable cost and features as the standard Dell computer.
    • Any additional funds required to purchase the equipment over the cost of a standard desktop computer must be provided from faculty or department funds.
    • Support for non-standard computer equipment will be provided by the Office of Technology Services under a best-effort support model.
Computer Refresh Cycle
  • Employee computers will be replaced on a four-year cycle.
    • University purchasing guidelines require that a three-year warranty be provided with each computer.
    • The College of Health Sciences provides an additional year of support after a warranty ends for each computer.
  • As replaced in accordance with the College upgrade schedule, older machines will be repurposed within the College.
    • Consideration will be given to grant or program needs and departmental needs before a machine is dispersed elsewhere in the college.
Equipment Purchased from Special Funds
  • Equipment can be purchased with funds such as grant funds, non-recurring accounts, start-up funds, etc. in collaboration with any appropriate faculty or staff member and the Office of Finance and Administration.
  • Equipment purchased from special funds may not be subject to replacement through the normal refresh cycle.
  • Other considerations will be given to appropriate concerns such as OSPA rules, etc. as appropriate.  
Phased Retirees
  • Faculty or staff members on phased retirement will not be included in the regular computer refresh schedule. Phased retirees will retain their current computer, barring any unresolvable technical issues, until they fully retire.
  • Full technical support will still be available, and, in the event of computer failure, a functional replacement will be provided.