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Congratulations to our new Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship


Dear Colleagues,

May 17, 2022

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Brian Noehren has accepted our offer to become Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship, effective July 1, 2022. This is a critical position for the future of our College as well as our research enterprise, and we are excited to see where Dr. Noehren’s vision and leadership can take us.

As we considered candidates for ADR, several factors were essential for this person’s success, including experience with both basic and applied translational research, and a track record of working with funding agencies, strategic networking, and engaging in team-based science. We also wanted a researcher with strong relationships across campus and the Commonwealth, an appreciation for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences professional programs, and a history of successful funding from a breadth of sources.

Dr. Noehren’s highly successful research portfolio, combined with his commitment to the College’s Research Advisory Committee, his leadership of the Department of Physical Therapy research activities, and his leadership of the College’s Inspiring Innovation Principle of our 2022 Strategic Plan positions him very well to assume this role. Dr. Noehren has also demonstrated a strong desire to integrate support of diverse research goals of our faculty employing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

I am confident Dr. Noehren will provide outstanding leadership to the exceptional team in the CHS Office of Research and Scholarship.

Please join me in congratulating and thanking Dr. Noehren for assuming this critical leadership appointment in the College.


Best regards,
