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Finding comfort in your resiliency …


Students, Faculty and Staff,

I was reading a story recently on our website about our efforts to comfort those affected by the recent storms that left so much destruction across our Commonwealth. The quote, from Casey Shadix, our director of Student Affairs, went like this:

“That’s what’s been so amazing in these few days — our students’ resolve and determination, even when they’re going through something really difficult, has been remarkable.”

I could not help but agree, and it made me stop and think. We were already in the middle of a challenging semester, where we were encouraging our people to vaccinate and attempting to feel normal, all while a new variant of COVID began to appear in our backyard.

Then, two weeks before Christmas (and just a few days before finals) a series of historically powerful tornados devastated part of our state, changing some of our students’ lives forever. I have spoken with some of those students myself, and I would have to agree with Dr. Shadix — their resilience is remarkable.

I am again filled with hope as we come to the end of a semester. Over the course of these few months, I feel we have all come together, no matter the challenge. While all of you deserve a well-earned break, you have come to the finish line with an urgency and a will to succeed; it has been inspiring to behold.

That said, I know some of us are hurting. I know there are some who need a helping hand, and I want to emphasize how much we need to be there for one other. If you know of someone who needs help, whether that is anything from emotional to financial assistance, please let them know there are resources available — for students, staff and faculty.

We have done so much this semester. Let us not leave anyone behind now.

I also want you to please take some time for yourself as we head into this holiday break. Relax and recharge. Enjoy your families and celebrate this blessed holiday season. While we in CHS have been through a lot, I know you will agree that we still have much to be thankful for.

Lastly, I want to look ahead a bit. In the spring we will be utilizing the same hybrid working model that we’ve been using, and I want to thank everyone for how well it’s gone so far. We have proven that we can provide the best kind of education for our students, support the needs of our faculty, and continue to conduct cutting-edge research — no matter the format.

And no matter the circumstances. I realize that we do not know what the future holds. I also realize that both optimists and pessimists will make all kinds of predictions about the outlook for the new year.

But I find an endless source of optimism when it comes to 2022. And that optimism is because of you — the people who continue to make the College of Health Sciences the best place to work on UK’s campus. I know that no matter what we face, we can do it together, as a family. Because we’ve done it before.

I thank all of you for treading this path with me. You are the reason for our success in 2021, and I am extremely excited about the success we will have next semester.


Please take care, find comfort, and stay safe.
