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Help the Commonwealth by Giving to United Way …


Faculty and staff,

Once again, I hope all of you are healthy and well. Amazingly, it is already that time of year again, when the holidays are just around the corner. Soon, we are going to be hearing Christmas music on the radio, and I know many of you will start making plans to visit friends and family. It truly is a joyous time, and an important one. 


But I want to remind you of something that is just as important. Here, in the College of Health Sciences, our mission is to help the people of the Commonwealth and beyond achieve the highest level of health that they possibly can. This is what we do.


And I have another way to help us all achieve that goal — it’s by partnering with United Way of the Bluegrass, an organization that has provided basic needs, education and financial stability to individuals, families and entire communities across the Commonwealth for 100 years.


However, in order to keep doing this wonderful work, they need our help.  

Please join me from Oct. 10 to Oct. 31 in supporting our United Way campaign with donations. The great thing about United Way is that it ensures your gifts will stay in our community. That means you will help Kentucky children and youth achieve their full potential through education. You will help families to become more financially stable and independent. And you will help communities as they navigate the rough waters of these uncertain times.


I can’t think of a better way to give during the holidays and help fulfill our mission.

You can find more information about the campaign and how to contribute on UK’s United Way website or by contacting our United Way Coordinator at If you have previously given, we deeply thank you.

Again, I will say how grateful I am to be a part of this College. This is a place where people do not only talk about caring for their communities. You step up and prove it with your actions.


I know I can count on you to do so once more.

Please stay safe and well,
