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Here for you, with support and encouragement ...


Faculty, Staff and Students,

Nov. 18, 2022

As we near the end of the semester, the month of November provides us with different observances and practices across many different cultures and peoples.

I also realize that recent events on campus have affected us all in many different ways. This week, I want to utilize this space to speak to our students: I want to let you know that our faculty, instructors and advisors are aware that this time of year can be stressful enough. Now, coupled with the added distractions resulting from an ex-student’s horrific decisions, we realize that you may be having difficulty keeping your academic focus.

We are here for you, ready to provide support and encouragement. If you are having difficulty completing assignments or preparing for examinations, please make these challenges known to your faculty advisors and instructors so that appropriate actions can be taken to help. In the coming weeks we will reiterate this sentiment as we prepare for the end of the semester.

Once again, University resources and support services are listed here, and you may also call 859-218-YouK (859-218-9685) to get connection and referral to University assistance. We also have the TRACS Hub (Triage, Referral, Assistance, and Crisis Support), a physical and virtual one-stop resource for mental health and well-being support services for a range of mental health and crisis needs. TRACS is located on the third floor of Gatton Student Center East Wing, and can be reached via phone at 859-21-TRACS (859-218-7227) or by submitting information via the online intake form.


During our break, I hope you can take some time to reflect and acknowledge the impact of these recent events — while also giving thanks for what you have. I also encourage you to consider how you can support others, while reaching out to your own support network as needed.


Then, with our help, you can be ready to complete a successful semester.

Continue to take care,


Scott Lephart,

Dean, CHS