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It all starts by following the rules …


Faculty, Staff and Students,

Greetings. Once again, I am coming to you with an urgent plea regarding our response to COVID-19.

Simply, some in our College have not been following the University mandates. I want to again stress the importance of following the guidelines put forth by our University, the most important of which is the wearing of masks at all times when inside campus buildings unless eating or drinking.

As I have said time and again, it is up to us to help make this situation better. It is our responsibility to do everything possible to keep our co-workers, students and families safe.

It all starts by following the stated mandates we have received.

For everyone’s convenience, I am going to repost some of them again:

  • We will continue to reinforce that increasing the number of vaccinated individuals is the best defense against the virus, and the best way to return to normal operations.
  • Everyone, including those who are vaccinated, must wear masks indoors. Masks provide another layer of protection for you and others. This applies to faculty, students, staff, learners — everyone.
  • Anyone not in a private office space (a workspace in an open area) must also wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.
  • The only times we will not be wearing masks: When eating or drinking, when vaccinated and alone in an office with a closed door, when a professor is teaching behind plexiglass, or when vaccinated and outside.
  • Those who are not vaccinated should wear a mask when outside on campus and when around other people.
  • Those who are not vaccinated will be required to complete weekly tests throughout the semester.
  • Students who refuse to wear masks in class should be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
  • Please … Read the full guide for all other questions (

Again, I thank you for all you have done, and I know that we will continue to comply because it is the right thing to do.


Stay safe and well,
