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Reminder: Fill out the 2021 UK@Work Survey by Friday!


Dear Faculty and Staff,

Greetings. I hope all of you are well. You have probably seen the emails recently from, asking you to complete the 2021 UK@Work Survey for faculty and staff.

I want to encourage you to please complete this survey. We all need to participate so we can obtain the most up-to-date data. This allows us to address some of the points that could be raised by the survey, which asks questions about — among other topics — leadership, culture, diversity and workload.

The survey’s language explains how data is only pulled from areas that have over 10 respondents. That means we need as many people as possible to respond in order to record our opinions. Please trust that all of these responses are confidential — no one, not myself, or your supervisor will know how you responded.

I cannot include the url to the survey in this email, as all urls are unique only to you, and will become inactive upon completion of the survey.

I can, however, say that if you have any questions you can direct them to Willis Towers Watson at, or you can email Erika Chambers at or Natalie Vincent at

The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, Sept. 24. And remember, those who complete the survey are eligible to enter a drawing for prizes like a new laptop, athletic tickets and more.

I have said before that I feel lucky to work on this campus. I still feel that way. But I also know there is always room for improvement, and it is through surveys like these that we can identify the areas in which we need to improve.

Thank you so much for participating. I know I can count on you.


Stay safe and well,
