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CHS Students, 

We are just weeks away from completing the fall semester.  While this is an accomplishment for us all that we have been able to successfully navigate this uncertain situation, it also continues to present struggles.  I recognize that as time passes, the impact of COVID-19 on your personal and academic lives – as well as your mental and physical health – grows stronger and the challenges continue to become greater.  The number of moving parts continues to grow with each seeming more difficult than the last.  I am hopeful you know how much the college thanks you for your flexibility, your courage, and your willingness to be so dedicated to your coursework both on and off campus.


We understand anxieties you must have and are here to support you in any way possible.  The mental health of our staff, faculty and students is extremely important, maybe now more than ever.  The university has weekly programming available through the UK Counseling Center.  The schedule can be found here, along with information for scheduling individual counseling appointments should you be interested.  A complete list of mental health resources on campus can be found here.  Many of you have also expressed apprehension about what future semesters on campus will look like.  I can only tell you what I know-the spring schedule and course modalities for instruction have been set.  These mirror the current term and in the absence of a significant change in university practice we will be in a similar mode as current.

We are also aware that the upcoming election is causing additional stress and anxiety for many of our students.  The University’s Office for Student Success has added additional resources and services for students during this time. The UK Counseling Center is providing additional hours of Let’s Talk and groups which can be found on their election webpage:  They have also provided an election stress kit.  Your personal and emotional safety is of the utmost importance so please remember to take care of yourself.

Again, thank you for your dedication and commitment.  We are here to support you in every part of your academic journey – please do not hesitate to reach out.

Dean Scott Lephart