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Supporting You: We are a Community that Cares


Supporting You: We are a Community that Cares

Nov. 9, 2022

CHS Faculty and Staff,

As events continue to unfold related to the recent incident involving an assault, racial slurs and offensive language toward undergraduate UK students on campus, I want to be sure that you all have seen the responses from UK in regards to this devastating and upsetting incident. Please know that our college fully stands by the position of our central administration on this matter. I know that there have been and continue to be numerous stories proliferating online social media, so for accurate responses and information please refer to this website which will be updated as the university works through the process.

I also would like to echo President Capilouto’s condemnation of such behavior. His words are impactful, and our college will continue the hard work that has to be done to eliminate such hatred and malicious attacks that have no place in a university community or our college.

As you have seen, President Capilouto and Provost DiPaola have done their own outreach to all members of our campus community.  We too, as a college, sent the attached message to our students on Monday to assure them that we are here for them and to share resources they may need.  Additional outreach to student groups and individuals has also occurred throughout this difficult time. 

Each and every one of you is a valued and respected member of our college and campus communities. We want to support you in every way that we can. If you have any concerns, questions, or just need to talk about any of these issues, please do not hesitate to reach out. Let us show who we truly are by our response, and take the time to remember that we truly are stronger together.

