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Welcome, all. We’re ready for a good comeback story.


Everyone loves a good comeback story, don’t they? A story where someone’s faced adversity, overcome the odds, and learned something along the way. A story about hope and persistence and determination.

This is our story. We’re coming back from one of the most challenging semesters we’ve ever faced, and I want you to know how proud I am to work at this College. I am proud that we have continued to provide the kinds of transformative educational experiences our students have come to expect.

Our story is a wonderful one. And I am proud to welcome you back, again, for another semester. However, we must remember that we need to continue to be there for each other, just as we’ve been there for our students. This is still a challenging time, and many continue to struggle with all aspects of the pandemic. I am confident we will be mindful of this and help where we can.

Similarly, as we prepare to reopen our classes, our first priority will always be the health of our faculty and staff. All COVID-19 safety guidelines should be followed at all times (facial coverings, physical distancing, daily health attestation, plexiglass barriers, etc.). We are fortunate that CHS faculty and staff are some of the first on campus to be offered an invitation for vaccination. We hope this provides some security for those on campus who are concerned about virus transmission. It is up to your discretion whether you accept or not. Our staffing plans will also be considerate of our colleagues with compromised health conditions.

I would also like to reinforce our commitment to the operation plans that were completed in the fall. We will not be deviating from this successful operational mode. However, we will be reopening the student lounge, as well as other spaces within the College, for students in CTW to use as needed. These spaces are reserved for specific groups of students who are asked to follow our safety guidelines while in the spaces. 

Lastly, I would like to relay a few points the Provost asked to share with all colleges. The spring semester should include an increased faculty and staff presence on our campus, where:

  • Colleges will provide an in-person presence in their advising/student support office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Staffing should include advising and student support professionals to deliver in-person services.
  • Buildings will be unlocked and accessible to students and prospective student tours during normal business hours.
  • The Dean’s or Associate Provost’s suite (as applicable) will be unlocked and appropriately staffed to greet and direct visitors during normal business hours.
  • Key offices that deliver services to students should be open and have an appropriate level of in-person staffing during normal business hours.
  • The Visitor’s Center (Enrollment Management) can be granted access to buildings for prospective student tours on the weekends.

Once again, welcome back.

We have authored an incredible story here in CHS. I know the best is yet to come.