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Kyle Kosik, PhD, ATC
Office Location

Room 206B Wethington Building

900 South Limestone Street

Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0200


Position Title
Assistant Research Professor
Athletic Training
Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Program
Research Faculty, Staff and Post-Docs
Sports Medicine Research Institute

Kyle Kosik, Ph.D., ATC joined the University of Kentucky in July 2020 as an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Athletic Training and Clinical Nutrition. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training in 2012 from Illinois State University and a Masters of Education in Kinesiology – Sports Medicine from the University of Virginia in 2013. Dr. Kosik received a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Kentucky in 2017, where he then completed his post-doctoral training.

Dr. Kosiks’s research agenda focuses on understanding how the current treatment for lower extremity joint injuries fail to prevent individuals from presenting with neuromuscular dysfunction and biomechanics adaptations that are responsible for causing lifelong disability and post-traumatic osteoarthritis. His previous work has primarily relied on an acute lateral ankle sprain as a model to examine these underlying mechanisms by incorporating a variety of laboratory testing techniques, while also utilizing clinical- and patient-reported outcomes. Dr. Kosik examines these pathways after an acute lateral ankle sprain because it is the most common joint injury among the general population and within the physically active community (e.g., athletes, military). However, most individuals never seek medical treatment at the time of injury because it is perceived as a benign injury with few consequences. Unfortunately, only 50-85% of people return to their normal activity within 3 years of their ankle sprains. Persons that do not fully recovery typically complain of chronic pain, perceived instability, become less physically active, suffer a recurrent injury, and reporting having worse, physical, mental, and social-health related quality of life.

Dr. Kosik’s recent research has shown that the majority (>75%) of people who do seek medical treatment for an acute lateral ankle sprain are prescribed medication. Disturbing, opioids accounted for more than 30% of all medications prescribed. Additionally, Dr. Kosik has documented very few (<15%) of people who seek medical treatment for an acute lateral ankle sprain are referred for physical therapy. Instead, people are given instructions to weight bear as tolerated and left to manage their symptoms using the prescribed medication (e.g., opioids). Therefore, Dr. Kosik’s research includes the use of Telehealth to minimize the exposure to medication and provide timely access to physical therapy after an acute lateral ankle sprain. Telehealth is a novel method of care delivery that enables patients to receive the standard of care by using live-video sessions to provide education on non-pharmacological pain management strategies and instructions on therapeutic exercises to restore normal function.


  • Kosik KB, Terada M, McCann R, Thomas A, Johnson NF, Gribble PA.  2020.  Decreased perceived ankle and knee joint health in individuals with perceived chronic ankle instability.. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 28(1):177-183.
  • Hoch JM, Hartzell J, Kosik KB, Cramer RJ, Gribble PA, Hoch MC.  2020.  Continued validation and known groups validity of the Quick-FAAM: Inclusion of participants with chronic ankle instability and ankle sprain copers.. Phys Ther Sport. 43:84-88.
  • Kosik KB, Hoch MC, Villasante-Tezanos AG, Gribble PA.  2020.  Visit Characteristics Associated With Opioids Administered or Prescribed During Emergency Department Visits for Ankle Sprain Between 2010 and 2015.. PM R.
  • Kosik KB, Johnson NF, Terada M, Thomas-Fenwick AC, Mattacola CG, Gribble PA.  2020.  Health-Related Quality of Life Among Middle-Aged Adults With Chronic Ankle Instability, Copers, and Uninjured Controls.. J Athl Train.
  • Kosik KB, Johnson NF, Terada M, Thomas AC, Mattacola CG, Gribble PA.  2020.  Decreased ankle and hip isometric peak torque in young and middle-aged adults with chronic ankle instability.. Phys Ther Sport. 43:127-133.
  • Johnson NF, Hutchinson C, Hargett K, Kosik KB, Gribble PA.  2020.  Bend Don't Break: Stretching Improves Scores on a Battery of Fall Assessment Tools in Older Adults.. J Sport Rehabil. :1-7.
  • Kosik KB, Terada M, McCann R, Thomas A, Johnson NF, Gribble PA.  2019.  Differences in temporal gait mechanics are associated with decreased perceived ankle joint health in individuals with chronic ankle instability.. Gait Posture. 70:403-407.
  • Kosik KB, Johnson NF, Terada M, Thomas AC, Mattacola CG, Gribble PA.  2019.  Decreased dynamic balance and dorsiflexion range of motion in young and middle-aged adults with chronic ankle instability.. J Sci Med Sport. 22(9):976-980.
  • Kosik KB, Hoch MC, Heebner N, Hartzell J, Gribble PA.  2019.  A laboratory captured 'giving way' episode during a single-leg landing task in an individual with unilateral chronic ankle instability.. J Biomech. 90:153-158.
  • McCann RS, Terada M, Kosik KB, Gribble PA.  2019.  Landing Kinematics and Isometric Hip Strength of Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability.. Foot Ankle Int. 40(8):969-977.
  • Kosik KB, Hoch MC, Humphries RL, Tezanos AGVillasan, Gribble PA.  2019.  Medications Used in U.S. Emergency Departments for an Ankle Sprain: An Analysis of the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.. J Emerg Med. 57(5):662-670.
  • Terada M, Johnson NF, Kosik KB, Gribble PA.  2019.  Quantifying Brain White Matter Microstructure of People with Lateral Ankle Sprain.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 51(4):640-646.
  • Kosik KB, Gribble PA.  2018.  The Effect of Joint Mobilization on Dynamic Postural Control in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Critically Appraised Topic.. J Sport Rehabil. 27(1):103-108.
  • McCann RS, Kosik KB, Terada M, Beard MQ, Buskirk GE, Gribble PA.  2018.  ACUTE LATERAL ANKLE SPRAIN PREDICTION IN COLLEGIATE WOMEN'S SOCCER PLAYERS.. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 13(1):12-18.
  • Terada M, Kosik KB, Johnson NF, Gribble PA.  2018.  Altered postural control variability in older-aged individuals with a history of lateral ankle sprain.. Gait Posture. 60:88-92.
  • McCann RS, Bolding BA, Terada M, Kosik KB, Crossett ID, Gribble PA.  2018.  Isometric Hip Strength and Dynamic Stability of Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability.. J Athl Train. 53(7):672-678.
  • Kosik KB, Terada M, Drinkard CP, McCann RS, Gribble PA.  2017.  Potential Corticomotor Plasticity in Those with and without Chronic Ankle Instability.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 49(1):141-149.
  • McCann RS, Crossett ID, Terada M, Kosik KB, Bolding BA, Gribble PA.  2017.  Hip strength and star excursion balance test deficits of patients with chronic ankle instability.. J Sci Med Sport. 20(11):992-996.
  • Kosik KB, McCann RS, Terada M, Gribble PA.  2017.  Therapeutic interventions for improving self-reported function in patients with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review.. Br J Sports Med. 51(2):105-112.
  • McCann RS, Kosik KB, Terada M, Beard MQ, Buskirk GE, Gribble PA.  2017.  Associations Between Functional and Isolated Performance Measures in College Women's Soccer Players.. J Sport Rehabil. 26(5):376-385.
  • Terada M, Kosik KB, McCann RS, Gribble PA.  2016.  Diaphragm Contractility in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 48(10):2040-5.
  • Gribble PA, Terada M, Beard MQ, Kosik KB, Lepley AS, McCann RS, Pietrosimone BG, Thomas AC.  2016.  Prediction of Lateral Ankle Sprains in Football Players Based on Clinical Tests and Body Mass Index.. Am J Sports Med. 44(2):460-7.
  • McCann RS, Kosik KB, Beard MQ, Terada M, Pietrosimone BG, Gribble PA.  2015.  Variations in Star Excursion Balance Test Performance Between High School and Collegiate Football Players.. J Strength Cond Res. 29(10):2765-70.