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Profile picture for user okcr222
Olivia Crowe

Position Title

Student Ambassador


Hi everyone! I'm Olivia Crowe, and I'm a Senior from Glasgow, Kentucky majoring in Human Health Sciences and minoring in Biology. I'm studying on the pre-medical track, as I hope to one day work as an Emergency Medicine or ICU physician. I love to stay involved on campus, and in addition to being an ambassador for the College of Health Sciences, I am the Vice President of the Pre-Medical Activities Council, a member of Phi Delta Epsilon, and a volunteer at the Salvation Army Clinic. I also work as an Emergency Medicine scribe at UK Chandler and Good Samaritan hospitals, which has been an amazing experience. I encourage any incoming freshman to take advantage of all opportunities both the College of Health Sciences and UK have to offer and to take both career-related and personal risks! If you have any questions, email me at