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Robert Marshall, PhD, F-ASHA, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, Honors-ASHA

Position Title

Emeritus Faculty

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Dr. Marshall is currently a Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and a member of the Editorial Board for the journal Aphasiology. He was elected to Fellowship in the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) in 1981. In 1996 he received the Honors of the Academy of Neurological Communication Disorders and Sciences and was elected to the Department of Veterans Affairs Audiology-Speech Pathology Hall of Fame. In 2015, Dr. Marshall received ASHA’s highest recognition, Honors of the Association.  Since coming to the University of Kentucky in 2001 his contributions in teaching, service, and scholarship have been recognized with the receiving of the Richard D. Kingston Award for Outstanding Teaching (2012), selection as the Nominee of the Year of the Kentucky-Indiana Stroke Association (2012), and the Distinguished Scholar Award from the College of Health Science (2014).    

Before coming to UK, Dr. Marshall was the Chief of the Audiology and Speech-Pathology Service at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Portland, Oregon (1969-1995) and an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology at the Oregon Health Sciences Center (1981-1995), and a Professor in the Department of Communication Disorders at the University of Rhode Island (1996-2001).

Scholarly Focus​

Dr. Marshall’s research has focused on the assessment and treatment of adults with acquired neurogenic cognitive-communicative disorders. He has published more than 135 papers in refereed journals, 19 book chapters, and two books. He has made over 200 refereed presentations at international, national, state, and regional meetings and has been invited to speak to researchers and clinicians in most of the 50 states, throughout Canada, and the world. Dr. Marshall has been recognized as a clinician, particularly for his scholarly works on Wernicke’s aphasia and the use of group therapy. His funded research has examined (1) the role of self-correction in the recovery from aphasia, (2) efficacy of aphasia treatment, (3) treatment of aphasic naming deficits, and (4) problem solving in neurologically compromised individual. Since coming to UK, his research efforts have focused on developing clinician-friendly tests for use in today’s fast-paced medical environment such as the Kentucky Aphasia Test (KAT; Marshall & Wright, 2007), Rapid Assessment of Problem Solving Test (RAPS; Marshall & Karow, 2008), and Everyday Speech Production Assessment Measure (E-SPAM; Watts, Marshall, Olson, & Kleinert, 2014).

Teaching, Clinical Supervision, and Mentoring

Dr. Marshall teaches undergraduate (Introduction to Communications Disorders) and graduate courses (Aphasia, motor speech disorders); he supervises graduate students in the University of Kentucky Aphasia Program (UKAP); he serves as a mentor for students doing research at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level. Most of his students have been collaborators on his publications and presentations. Many of Dr. Marshall’s students and clinical fellows have gone on to obtain a Ph.D. and have become major contributors to the profession of speech-language pathology.