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Profile picture for user teem224
Taylor Emerson

Position Title

Student Ambassador


Hello all! I'm Taylor Emerson, a Junior majoring in Human Health Sciences and a proud native of Louisville, Kentucky. I am studying on the Pre-Medicine track with aspirations of becoming a surgeon. In addition to serving as an ambassador for the College of Health Sciences, I am a member of Medicine, Education, and Development for Low-Income Families Everywhere (MEDLIFE) at the University of Kentucky, as well as a member of Kentucky Panhellenic. Aside from my involvement on campus, I work as a pediatric patient sitter at Norton Children's Hospital in the heart of downtown Louisville.

Being a student in the College of Health Sciences has equipped me with the tools and experience necessary to flourish in my post-undergraduate endeavors and career, and I cannot wait to lead students to the unique opportunities CHS has to offer! My tip to any prospective CHS students would be to gain exposure to your field of interest early, whether that be through shadowing or clinical experience! Shadowing physicians of my preferred specialty has not only reaffirmed my passion for becoming a provider, but also has afforded me invaluable knowledge that can't always be taught in the classroom setting. If you have any questions, you can reach me at Looking forward to hearing from you, Wildcats!