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CHS Undergraduate Research Fellowship Application Form

*All fields are required for successful submission. A successful submission will take you to a confirmation page. If no confirmation page appears after you submit the form, then the form has not been sent. Please return to the form and ensure that ALL fields are completed.

General Information

Enrollment Status
Type of fellowship applied for
Demographics (Please select ALL that apply. Only used for record keeping.)

Faculty Sponsor

Will the faculty sponsor provide any funding to help support the student’s summer research work?

Research Proposal

Please write a clear project proposal in the spaces provided below. You have a 750-word limit for this proposal (project title does not count toward your word limit). It is best to compose your proposal in a Word document first to edit and wordsmith. When you are finished with your final version, cut and paste your text into each text box.

Please estimate the amount of fellowship funding that will be used for the following categories: