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Creating instruments to use in epidemiology and clinical studies

Development and dissemination of the Communication Function Classification System (CFCS). The CFCS can be used with children and adults who have cerebral palsy. CFCS translations continue to be initiated by professionals and researchers who want to use the CFCS in their native language. CFCS translations can be downloaded from my CFCS website

Autism Classification of Social Function: Social Communication (ACSF:SC) We have developed a classification system ACSF:SC that provides researchers and clinicians across disciplines with descriptions of social functioning for preschoolers with autism. Now working on expanding the ACSF:SC to toddlers and school-aged children with autism, Dr. Hidecker is a co-investigator with Canadian researchers at McMaster University and University of Alberta.

Using telehealth to address rural health disparities

Rural Coordinated Care for Parkinson’s disease This feasibility study of telehealth is providing exercise, speech therapy, and medication management to people with Parkinson's disease in rural areas. Please contact us to determine if you are eligible to participate. Dr. Hidecker is part of a multidisciplinary, community-based research team including researchers at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.