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Celebrate Juneteenth

What is Juneteenth?

Even now, when the federal government has designated a national holiday to commemorate the date (this year, we will observe the day on Monday, June 19), there are still many who do not know what the celebration is all…

Kelsey Markle with personal airplane

Motorcycle racer. Pilot. Physician Assistant. 2023 grad is having fun ‘chasing new passions’

By Ryan Clark and Sara Pisoni CHS Contributors

You could say that 23-year-old Kelsey Markle has a need.

A need for speed.

And if you don’t get that reference, then you really need to see Top Gun, or the Top Gun sequel…

Rachel Grigg

COOL FOR THE SUMMER: Interns able to market themselves, get ‘hands-on’ experience

By Ryan Clark CHS Communications Director

Rachel Grigg says a “typical” day on her internship is really anything but typical.

“Each ‘typical’ day is different, which is the nature of the business,” says the 20-year-old…

Athletic Training students in classroom

UK Hosts KATS Symposium, Hoch Wins Educator/Preceptor of Year

Last weekend, UK had the opportunity to host Kentucky Athletic Training Society's annual symposium and some of our students and our preceptors got in on the action!

There, Hannah Hoch, PhD, ATC, was…

Kirby Mayer, DPT, PhD and Yuan Wen, MD, PhD

Two Researchers From CHS Receive K-awards from NIH

By Ryan Clark CHS Communications Director

Two young investigators from the College of Health Sciences have recently received highly competitive K-award funding from the National Institutes of Health for their research, reports Esther…

Jessi Bryant with patient

PA Simulation Class Provides ‘Valuable’ Learning Experiences

By Ryan Clark CHS Communications Director Jessi Bryant says she learns best by getting hands-on.

“It is easy to sit at a desk and answer a multiple-choice question,” says the…

Pris Garcia with Partner

PRIDE MONTH 2023: PA Student’s Goal? ‘Make Bridges’

By Ryan Clark CHS Communications Director

Pris Garcia wants to make bridges.

But she’s not in engineering or architecture. Pris (which rhymes with ‘kiss’) is in the…

Cassidy Mullins with Music Man cast

Quadruple Threat: PA Student Starring in ‘Music Man’

Advice: ‘You can be a hyphenate’

By Ryan Clark CHS Communications Director

Call her the quadruple threat: Actor. Singer. Dancer.

And aspiring Physician Assistant.

Cassidy Mullins, a 25-year-old…

Two PA students with professor

Congratulations to Our PA Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations go out to several students in the College of Health Sciences’…