RHB 701: Rehabilitation and Health Sciences Theories and Applications through the Life Span (3 credits)
Explores the theories that form a foundation for the rehabilitation sciences and are common to all the rehabilitation therapies (PT, CD, OT, AT). Included are theories specific to rehabilitation, attachment, adaptation and resilience, cognition, motor learning, empowerment, loss and grief, psycho-immunology, and societal responses to stigmatized groups. Theories are applied to rehabilitation practice and research design across the life span.
RHB 714: Critical Appraisal of Research in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (3 credits)
This course introduces the student to critical appraisal of all forms of research in the Rehabilitation Sciences. The purpose is to further develop the student’s competence in carrying out and evaluating research. The student will develop the skills necessary to find, critically evaluate, and synthesize the available research.
RHB 720: Research in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (3 credits)
This course is designed to provide students with a critical review of current practices in research methodologies in the rehabilitation sciences. Students will investigate the expected outcomes of various research methodologies and analytic strategies.
RHB 767: Dissertation Residency Credit (2 credits)
After successfully completing the qualifying examination, students are required to enroll in 767: Dissertation Residency Credit (2cr.). They will be charged at the in-state tuition rate plus mandatory fees*. Students will remain continuously enrolled in this course every fall and spring semester until they have completed and defended the dissertation.
RHB 771: Professional Seminar: Research Seminar (2 credits)
This course is designed to provide a forum in which the students can present their dissertation research or proposed research ideas and receive feedback on their research from faculty and fellow students. In addition, faculty members from each of the disciplines present their research so students can appreciate the breadth and scope of research currently being conducted in the RHB program.
RHB 772: Professional Seminar: Academia and Beyond (1 credit)
This course is designed to provide students with information related to working in higher education. Students will become aware of the process of promotion and tenure and the development of a detailed career plan.
RHB 773: Professional Seminar: Introduction to Grant Writing (1 credit)
This course is designed to introduce students to the process and product of grant writing. Students are made aware of the agencies and foundations that support research, training, and special grant opportunities related to rehabilitation sciences and the specific disciplines.
RHB 774: Professional Seminar: Issues in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (1 credit)
In this course, students discuss pedagogical issues in higher education in general and in the rehabilitation sciences specifically. It is intended to serve as preparation for the student’s teaching apprenticeship and focuses on didactic and clinical instruction.
RHB 787: Teaching Apprenticeship in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (Variable credit)
The teaching apprenticeship involves the study of instructional methods in higher education including the development of syllabi, class presentations, and examinations. Emphasis on classroom dynamics and innovative techniques for instruction will be made.
RHB 789: Research Apprenticeship in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (Variable credit)
This apprenticeship involves an in-depth study of a discipline-specific topic under the direction of a graduate faculty. Emphasis is on scientific methods including the development of a research question, methodology, data collection, and analyses. Students will complete a supervised research project during the course.
* For more information, see the UK Tuition and Fees 2024-2025 page, and the UK Cost of Attendance page.