Our Runner’s Clinic is temporarily closed to new patients. We’ve loved getting to help the running community and are looking forward to having you all join us again later this year!
Mission Statement
The University of Kentucky BioMotion Lab Runner’s Clinic is a community service clinic led by expert clinical scientists to foster skill development, mentorship, and clinical application of research inquires. The funds generated from this clinic will be used for student continuing education opportunities.
The University of Kentucky BioMotion Lab offers multiple running-related services for the community. The purpose of these services are to connect research and clinical application by providing running-specific recommendations by specialists in the lab. These are cash-based services since they are a specialty service not traditionally covered by insurance. For all evaluations, runners will be provided contact information for the treating physical therapist in order to answer any questions or concerns that arise. To schedule, please contact Lauren Erickson at Lauren.Erickson@uky.edu.
Two-Dimensional Gait Evaluation | $175
Our 2D running gait evaluations will be performed by a team of physical therapists and will last approximately 90 minutes. These evaluations may include:
- Running history and training review
- Musculoskeletal examination
- 2D running gait analysis
- Treatment plan development
A high-speed camera will be utilized to record the runner on a force plate embedded treadmill that measures ground contact forces. All findings will be reviewed with the runner directly following the evaluation. Treatment plan development may include rehabilitation and strength exercises, running gait modifications, and training recommendations. Whether it’s helping facilitate recovery, improving running performance, or identifying potential risk factors for injury, our team is here to help any and all runners.
Three-Dimensional Gait Evaluation | $350
Our 3D running gait evaluations will be performed by a team of physical therapists, as well as engineers and/or research analysts, and will last approximately 90 minutes. These evaluations include everything within our two-dimensional gait evaluations, with the addition of 13 high-speed cameras recording the runner on a force plate embedded treadmill that measures ground contact forces. Due to additional processing time, runners will be scheduled for a 60 minute follow-up session approximately 1 week from the evaluation in order to review all of the collected data (no additional cost for this follow-up session). Runners will be provided with a summary document with all of their data.
Follow-up Physical Therapy Visits | $75
Follow-up physical therapy visits are offered to runners who have completed either a 2D or 3D running gait evaluation. As appropriate, a reassessment of the musculoskeletal examination and running gait video analysis may be performed at this time, as well as progressions of rehabilitation and strength exercises and return to running programs. If the runner has had a new injury or if 6 months have passed since the previous evaluation, the runner should undergo a new initial evaluation.
How Do I Schedule?
To schedule, please contact Lauren Erickson at Lauren.Erickson@uky.edu.
What Should I Bring?
Please bring running clothes that are comfortable to you, as well as your running shoes. For clothes, we recommend that the top and bottom be different colors for better visualization with our cameras.