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Project CARAT (Coordinating and Assisting the Reuse of Assistive Technology)

Supports the reuse of assistive technology that is no longer needed or used by its original owner and is acquired by a new owner at no cost ( The goal of Project CARAT is to make Assistive Technology and Durable Medical Equipment more accessible to those who need it in underserved areas of Kentucky. In order to make this happen, Project CARAT is partnering with agencies across the state. We take donated equipment, clean it, make repairs if we need to, and then redistribute it to people who need it. Our inventory of equipment changes daily. If we do not have items you are needing, please check back often. Items we are always in need of include shower benches, bedside commodes, manual wheelchairs, etc. If you have any of these items to donate contact us today! To search for items we currently have available, visit the KY AT Locator website or contact the CARAT site nearest you

Traumatic Brain Injury Trust

The TBI Trust Fund was established to provide flexible funding and support to those with brain injuries. The fund supports supplemental community-based efforts to meet the special needs of each individual with a brain injury.

People with a partial or total disability caused by injury to the brain are eligible to receive support from the TBI Trust Fund. Eligible individuals have impaired cognitive abilities or impaired brain function. Injuries to the brain may be a result of physical trauma, damage resulting from a lack of oxygen, allergic conditions, toxic substances and other medical incidents, including damage caused by drug overdoses or alcohol poisoning. People with brain injury and without viable funding sources for needed services are eligible to receive support from the TBI Trust Fund. There are no caps for family income levels used to screen for services. Lack of adequate funding may be a result of the exhaustion of current benefits or benefit exclusion.

KY Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

The Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) assists Kentuckians with disabilities to achieve suitable employment and independence.  We recognize and respect the contribution of all individuals as a necessary and vital part of a productive society.

Kentucky Homeplace

The mission of Kentucky Homeplace is to provide access to medical, social, and environmental services for the citizens of the Commonwealth. CHWs are employed from the communities they serve and are trained as advocates to provide access to medical, social and environmental services and to deliver education on prevention and disease self-management. Homeplace CHWs, as do most CHWs, have the objective of overcoming health disparities across physical, economic, social and cultural dimensions. Kentucky Homeplace CHWs strive to overcome these barriers to improve access to health care for their clients and to assist them in acquiring crucial resources such as eyeglasses, dentures, home heating assistance, food, diabetic supplies, and free medical care. In all of their roles, Homeplace CHWs provide an important bridge between clients with the greatest needs and the primary care physicians and other health providers in the community. They facilitate communication between these clients and primary care physicians, help the clients learn to effectively comply with medical care instructions, and help educate clients to improve their health behaviors, such as improved nutrition, increased physical activity, better weight management, smoking cessation, and improved diabetes self-management.

Independence Place Kentucky

At Independence Place we have one goal—empowering people with disabilities to live life to the fullest. We are advocates, partners, and facilitators. We come alongside individuals of all ages and disabilities to teach skills that build toward self-directed achievement of independence and community inclusion.

As a consumer-driven, community-based Center for Independent Living (CIL), our non-residential organization provides the following independent living services: information and referral systems and individual advocacy, peer support and mentoring, independent living skills training, and transition and diversion services. We believe equal opportunities and rights are for everyone.