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COOL FOR THE SUMMER: CHS Students Learn to Network as Interns

By Ryan Clark

CHS Communications Director

This week: Hannah Brown

For Hannah Brown, networking was the name of the game.

Hannah Brown

“I went to the Clinical Leadership and Management internship fair in late January,” said Brown, a 20-year-old Lexington native. “At the fair, I had the pleasure of meeting Alliant CEO, Mark Slone, an alumnus of the CLM program, and Kristie Moss, SVP of Business Intelligence & Strategy. After exchanging information and an initial interview, I was offered the internship!”

She is now a summer intern with Alliant Purchasing, where she is able to meet with hospital CEOs around the state for informational interviews, work on different supply chain projects to create a more user-friendly website, and sit in on meetings (“Lots of meetings,” she says).

“This is my first healthcare-related internship, and I could never have imagined a better company to work with,” she says. “Alliant purchasing has some of the most incredible people I have had the pleasure of meeting. I feel like I am a part of their team when I am in the office, and I genuinely enjoy the projects I am undertaking. In addition, I am creating lasting relationships with individuals across the state, an opportunity which is no doubt invaluable.”

Networking is an emphasis in the CLM department, Brown says.

“The CLM program has taught me more than I could ever have imagined,” the Class of 2024 student says. “However, putting that knowledge into practice and seeing firsthand how, for example, project management works, or how medical billing is done, helps put everything into perspective. You quickly see how the professional world operates and you are given the opportunity to meet wonderful people who can help push you to be the best person you can be.”

And, if you’re lucky, you just might find a family atmosphere, too.

“I really love the desk area I have,” she says. “On my first day, I was given a nameplate with my start date on it, which I thought was a special touch!”

Each week we'll feature another student who is participating in a summer internship.