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COOL FOR THE SUMMER: Internships can lead to more permanent roles

By Ryan Clark

CHS Communications Director

This week: Hallie Smith


Hallie Smith seemingly got her internship the way folks used to: She saw the position posted (on Facebook), and she applied.

And, after three rounds of interviews, she got the gig. Now she has a healthcare marketing internship with Pinnacle Treatment Services.

Hallie Smith

“I send out company-wide emails with updates about current events, upcoming events and other information,” says the 20-year-old from Taylorsville, Ky. “I work with our locations on getting them accredited and updating their leases and licensures. I also oversee our Google business platforms and respond to reviews people have left. Lastly, I oversee all logistical details for open houses, company meetings and other things of that sort.” 

A Clinical Leadership and Management major in the Class of 2024, Hallie says she loves her internship — even more than she thought she would.  

“I get the opportunity to learn from some amazing people,” Hallie says. “My boss has helped me grow more than anyone (else) so far in my professional career, and I get the opportunity to work from home. Although, this internship has taught me that a work-from-home setting is not something I want in a future career, (but) it has been nice during the summer so that I am still able to be at home and visit with my family.”

In the CLM department, Hallie says there is a strong emphasis placed on interning — and that, paired together with classroom experience, can give students a full picture of what the professions are like.

And she got one big surprise before the summer was over — Hallie was offered a part-time job to continue working for Pinnacle Treatment Services throughout the school year.  

“This is much more educational than just a summer job,” she says. “Internships help you learn more than you think they will, and your bosses and colleagues also know that you're an intern and want to teach you as much as possible. It is also good to help you narrow down what you want to focus on in your career if you're indecisive like me.”


Each week we'll feature another student who is participating in a summer internship.