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CSD undergrad hones her leadership skills to serve children as speech-language pathologist

Emoni Dix, a sophomore pre-CSD major and student ambassador, is eager to adopt leadership roles across campus. She plans to use her time at UK College of Health Sciences to develop her professional and clinical skills and one day serve children as a speech language pathologist (SLP). 

“I really liked the idea of working with children in a hospital setting,” she said. Hospitals are so fast-paced; I feel like I could really have an exponential learning curve.”

Dix, who is originally from Indianapolis, always wanted to attend a big school and liked the idea of leaving her home state to experience something new. She looked online and the undergraduate communication sciences and disorders program caught her eye. “I was interested because UK is surrounded by top hospitals and the hands-on nature of CHS courses really appealed to me,” she said.

At her orientation, Dix met Dr. Casey Shadix, the director of student affairs, and some of the other advisors in the college. “All the staff were so friendly and welcoming to me,” she said. “I felt comfortable in the college before I even began classes.”

Emoni has the heart and passion that perfectly align with her motivation for becoming a health professional,” Shadix said. “She is creative, takes initiative, and has a warm and inviting personality. All those things are going to help her become an excellent speech-language pathologist.”

Emoni Dix

Dix is one of the youngest student ambassadors in the college, but that hasn’t kept her from success both inside and outside the classroom.  “Being an ambassador is such a blessing. It has helped to orient me to my rigorous academic and life in the college,” she said.

“Other ambassadors have been so open and eager to talk to me,” Dix continued. “Their mentorship has increased my confidence in myself.”

Her role as an ambassador has also helped Dix grow her professionalism skills. “It has helped me achieve my goals and become more involved on campus. I work in the visitor’s center as a tour guide and having the ambassador position on my resume was a main reason that I stood out,” she said.

The ambassador position has given Dix many opportunities to talk with prospective students and get to know faculty. It has also allowed her to grow her abilities and shown her she has something valuable to say, not only in CHS but as a future SLP. 

“I couldn’t be more grateful for my time here. The faculty I have met are so open and willing to help; you know there is always someone there for you,” she said. “CHS is such a unique college. You learn about patient interaction and cultural competency. I’m proud to call myself a CHS student and Wildcat.”