Faculty, Students Support One Another at CHS Research Day
By Madison Becknell
CHS Contributor
The College of Health Sciences and the Center for Clinical and Translational Science organized a day this week to celebrate and display different kinds of research.
Held on April 5, this is the 17th annual conference hosted at the Gatton Student Center, and this year, the College of Health Sciences had more people than ever sign up.
The College of Health Sciences had a variety of topics that were being studied, including:
- “Role of Stem Cells in Muscle Adaptation to Exercise”
- “Co-design for mHealth”
- “Facilitators and Barriers for Adult Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): A Qualitative Study”
- “Perceptual-Cognitive Function Following Lateral Ankle Sprain: New Directions for an Old Problem”
- “Computerized Cognitive Function Does Not Correlate with Choice-reaction Time During a Hopping Task”
- “Satellite Cell and Myonuclear Dynamics Contribute to ACL Injury-induced Quadriceps Atrophy”
Topics were presented by CHS professors, as well as students.
Those students nog presenting were encouraged to come out and support the others.
“I think it is helpful that they are sharing their research with others today to help others in those fields expand their knowledge and be inspired to dive deeper into these topics to do their own research," said Nayeli Lemus, a sophomore in the Clinical Leadership and Management program "I found the Role of Stem Cells in Muscle Adaptation to Exercise to be the most interesting topic.”
Another student, Holly Ratliff, a junior in the Clinical Leadership and Management program, agreed. “It is important for us to have these conferences because getting to see a professional present their research might get us more motivated to do our own research in the future,” she said.