Gateway Magazine is back!

It's that time again ... Gateway Magazine is back!
In this issue, we discuss the overall experience of students in the College of Health Sciences — what helps them to be successful, and what else we can offer.
Truly, there are so many great examples of this CHS Experience, and there are so many great stories that can illustrate it. In this latest issue, we have accounts of students learning in the classroom, but also in different countries, in laboratories and in our community.
You can also read how a student’s relative took part in resolving one of the great healthcare injustices in our nation’s history; you will learn how a study is helping to prevent injury in our nation’s military personnel; and you will learn how several departments in our College are working together to educate young students on the possibilities of careers in healthcare.
It all adds up to one, overall meaningful experience — for our students, our faculty, our staff and our alumni.
Enjoy this issue of Gateway, and take time to reflect on your own CHS experience.