Join PT, Other UK Faculty and Staff, to Help Beautify Cove Haven Cemetery
By Ryan Clark
CHS Communications Director
Cove Haven Cemetery needs a friend — and the College of Health Sciences is trying to provide as many as possible.
The site, located at 984 Whitney Ave., was established in 1907 and is a historic black cemetery with a proud tradition of serving the local community. But due to the volunteer nature of how it is run, it needs help with upkeep and general beautification.
“It’s super-rewarding to be able to help like this,” said Brian Noehren, PT, PhD, FACSM, and a professor in the department of Physical Therapy in the College of Health Sciences who has helped clean up the cemetery in the past. “We need a great turnout. I know people want to help. Now is a great time.”
Staff Council is collaborating with the Physical Therapy department to help clean up and beautify Cove Haven from 8-11 a.m. on Oct. 16. They are asking everyone to please consider volunteering or donating items to serve our community and this historic cemetery.
They plan to work on a variety of projects, including: cleaning military grave markers and a memorial, planting and mulching flower beds, cleaning the fence line and trimming down tree branches.
Donations are being requested in the form of financial donations via Venmo to be used for buying (landscaping/garden products, shrubs, potting soil, bulbs, etc). Last week, mulch that was intended for use on this volunteer day was stolen from the cemetery.
Donations can be delivered to the Creative Services Suite, CTW 123M, or sent via Venmo to @CarolineNArthur in the Venmo app.
“We talk about the importance of diversity here at UK,” Noehren said. “This is an opportunity to walk to walk and come out and help assist communities outside of the walls of the college.”
Last year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, no one was able to help the cemetery. Noehren said it made sense to get the PT students involved, as they like to engage in service opportunities.
“It’s wonderful for them see how what they do matters to the community,” he said. “Here, you can see your effort. You can make an impact.”
Some could argue the cemetery has never needed more help. Recently, LEX18 produced a story criticizing the upkeep of the cemetery. But Noehren said the piece did not reflect the hard work that the volunteers who run Cove Haven do to maintain the property.