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PHOTO GALLERY: UKPA Raises Nearly $5,000 for Charities During 5K

By Ryan Clark
CHS Communications Director

Congratulations go out to our Physician Assistant Studies class “Run for the Health of It” 5K this past weekend — they raised nearly $5,000 for charity!

“The Run for the Health of It 5K went well!” said Ryne Hardesty, MPH, PA-S and president of the Joseph Hamburg Student Society, the student-elected representing body for the PA.

“The Class of 2024 was able to raise close to $5,000, which will be donated to two amazing organizations: The Nest in Lexington and The People’s Clinic in Morehead,” he continued. “Both of these organizations align with the mission of the UKPA program. We are grateful to be able to work with two organizations in the communities where our program is located.”

Hardesty said that one of his goals as president was for their cohort to be more involved in the community — where they live and practice.

“The success of the ‘Run for the Health of It’ could not have been achieved if it were not for our amazing volunteers, participants, and sponsors,” he said. “I'd like to thank everyone who contributed and helped make this event as successful as it was!” 

Check out our PHOTO GALLERY here


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