The Way Podcast, Episode 20 — "Celebrating our Second Annual 'The Way' Valentine's Day" with Dr. Jean Fry and Dr. Chris Fry

For the second year in a row, in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we are pleased to feature two amazing faculty in the College of Health Sciences — who also just happen to be married. CHS assistant professor Dr. Jean Fry and CHS CMB associate director Dr. Chris Fry live together and work together — in fact, their offices are right next to each other.
And they’re also parents to a 5-year-old son. Still, they find time to participate in their own interests, from bodybuilding to songwriting. It’s what helps them keep their own identities, they say.
Come with us as we learn from another fascinating CHS couple. We’ll discuss everything from growing up to first dates to professional research … all on this episode of The Way Podcast.