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‘You never know unless you try’

AT student wins SEATA scholarship

By Ryan Clark

CHS Communications Director

Angela Huston was a Kinesiology major at UK before she considered graduate school in the College of Health Sciences Athletic Training program.

Now, she’s preparing to graduate in May, and she is the recipient of a Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association (SEATA) Memorial Undergraduate scholarship.

“I was overjoyed and honored when I received word that I was picked for this scholarship,” said the 22-year-old from Wilder, Ky. “It’s a feeling of relief when you realize all of your hard work is paying off. It definitely takes some stress off of worrying about financials.” 

The $1,000 award is normally one of six given to students across the region.

“This scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students who are not yet certified athletic trainers, who are a member of the Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association,” Huston said. “I always try and apply for as many scholarships as I am eligible for. My mindset is, the worst thing that can happen is they say no and don’t pick me. You never know unless you try. Scholarships are a huge help for me because it takes stress off of any financial burdens and I can focus on my studies.”

Angela Huston

After finishing her undergraduate studies, Huston said she found the graduate program too good to be true.

“The resources we have here are incredible, being a Division I SEC school,” she said. “I also loved the family atmosphere they preached about within the program among the faculty/staff and their students.”

She said it’s easily one of the best decisions she’s ever made.

“No matter how hard it gets, I just keep remembering why I’m in this program and every minute is absolutely worth it,” she said. “I’m definitely not ready to leave come May. However, I’m excited to move on to bigger and better things and see what my future has in store for me as a certified Athletic Trainer.”


March is National Athletic Training Month, and we’re honored to recognize our AT program — their faculty, staff, students and alumni.  

It is also Women’s History Month, and during this time the College of Health Sciences will spotlight Women Making History. Whether students, faculty, staff or alumni, these women are leading their fields of research, crossing traditional academic boundaries and impacting Kentucky’s most pressing challenges.