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Academic Affairs Committee

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General Duties

Shall consider departmental proposals relative to admissions criteria and procedures; new courses, curricula and programs; changes in courses, curricula and programs; and the termination of courses, curricula and programs and makes a recommendation to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs;

  • May review and recommend admission, retention and graduation standards and requirements;
  • May review and recommend regarding the academic policies and programs of the college;
  • Shall develop guidelines and schedules for the submission of proposed academic actions;
  • Shall perform other responsibilities as delegated to it by the faculty or the Faculty Council;
  • Shall submit in a timely manner a copy of the minutes of all meetings to the Chair of the Faculty Council and to the central files in the College administrative offices; and
  • Shall submit an annual report to the Faculty Council and to the central file.


  • Nine members appointed by the Faculty Council from the voting membership of the College faculty.
  • Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Education, ex officio, non-voting.
  • Director of Admissions, ex officio, non-voting.
  • Term: Three years; no more than two consecutive terms may be served.
  • Chair: In March of each year the Committee shall recommend a chair-elect to the Faculty Council, whose term shall be one year.
  • Recommends and reports to College faculty.
  • Meetings shall be held monthly during fall and spring semesters, or as needed; email communications may be used by the Committee to conduct business in place of or in addition to monthly meetings.

Application forms and guidelines for major and minor course changes, new courses, dropping courses, new undergraduate and graduate programs, changes in existing undergraduate and graduate programs, or suspension or deletion of existing programs are available through the UK Curriculog.

Guidelines for the Course and Program Review and Approval process are available here.

A CHS faculty approved ad hoc policy for determining the future of academic programs is outlined here.