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Prospective applicants not currently enrolled in a UK Bachelor’s Degree program

During the UK admission process, you may be admitted to UK through your secondary major of interest. Please note, if you meet the minimum requirements outlined under the “Important Application Information” section below, you will still be reviewed by our selective admission committee. Students who do not meet the minimum requirements are not reviewed by our selective admissions committee.  For information regarding our notification timeline.

UK Application

Prospective applicants currently enrolled in a UK program

On campus students who desire to change their major to CLM must complete the transfer application for currently enrolled students. Applications for on campus students will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Internal Transfer Application

Important Application Information

Students are evaluated holistically on GPA, test scores, leadership, extracurricular involvement, and fit for the CLM program, as evidenced by essay responses. Admission to CLM is a selective process. The minimum GPA for consideration is 2.8, but meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program.

Questions Regarding Admissions:

Please contact