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My New Kentucky Smart Home Project

What Is It?

The KATS Network has received a grant through the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation to establish a Smart Home Technology Lending Library. In an effort to assist individuals with paralyzing conditions identify Smart Home technology to help become more independent in their homes and improve their quality of life, the KATS Network will provide short term loans of Smart Home “starter kits.” During the loan period, the KATS Network will work with the individual to identify funding sources to purchase their own equipment. One of the first steps in establishing this program is to identify the equipment to include in the kits that will have the greatest impact.

How Can I Help?

The KATS Network will be conducting a Needs Assessment survey of individuals with paralyzing conditions that affect their ability to live independently in order to ensure that we are including the most needed items in the starter kits. We want your help to decide what belongs in those kits. Please complete the survey before it closes on January 15th, 2020. If you cannot access the on-line survey, please call 1-800-327-5287 for assistance.

When Does it Start and How do I Apply?

We will begin accepting applications in the latter half of February, 2020. Starter kits will be available to borrow for up to 3 months. Applications will be available online at that time, details to follow. If you cannot access the on-line application, please call 1-800-327-5287 for assistance.

For more information on this and other programs of the KATS Network, please give us a call at (800) 327-5287.

Thank you!

KATS Network

My New Kentucky Home Project Team

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