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The collaborative team that advocates to empower communities impacted by disability has been at work as the Kentucky Appalachian Rural Rehabilitation Network since 2008. They are most proud of the hard-working, dedicated people from across the state who improve the quality of life for all but their list of accomplishments is inspiring. KARRN helps secure resources for individuals and communities. They create educational materials such as an entire series on Kentucky State Park Travel Tip. They contribute greatly to the success of community support organization partners, including Project Carat which refurbishes medical equipment for others to use.

By making a gift you will be joining the KARRN community of educators, researchers, healthcare providers, community organizations, and individuals affected by neurological disorders. Your gift will help the team accomplish the following priorities related to advocating and empowering communities impacted by disability:

  • Support for student-run medical equipment (walkers, wheelchairs, canes, etc.) refurbishing program to aid individuals in underserved rural communities.
  • Provide adaptation and development of new assistive technology and durable medical equipment.
  • Pioneer testing of new models for distance education and telehealth to improve patient provider communication to overcome the misuse of prescription medications.

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