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Research 101

The Kentucky Rural Rehabilitation Network has developed a Research 101: Everyone Can Do It series of training modules to help engage the community in research. Many community members may have the idea that research can only be conducted at a University, in a laboratory or by persons with PhDs; that research does not have any real practical impact on their lives. We have developed these modules to help demystify research in order to engage the community in this process.

At its most basic level, research is just asking a question. Everyone is capable of asking a question; therefore everyone is capable of being involved with research. Since many research projects are trying to solve issues that impact persons living in our communities, it only makes sense that the people living in those communities would have valuable input in generating questions and finding solutions. It is our hope that the 5 teaching modules will help you have: 1) a general understanding about what research is, 2) a beginning understanding of the research process (methods, design, analysis), and 3) an understanding of the importance for community based research and the need for community participation in this research.

These modules were not designed to be an all encompassing training on research design and methods, only as a first step as you venture into the world of community based research.

If you have any questions or comments about these Basic Training modules please feel free to contact Patrick Kitzman MSPT, PhD at or 859-218-0580.

This project is partially funded through the National Institutes of Health/National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (1RC4MD005760-01).