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CMB shows out for Advances in Skeletal Muscle Biology Conference

Last week, students, faculty and alumni from the College of Health Sciences Center for Muscle Biology (CMB) attended the Advances in Skeletal Muscle Biology in Health and Disease Conference.

The conference, held at the University of Florida, gave the opportunity for professionals to discuss advancements and research in skeletal muscle biology.

More than 240 posters were presented at the conference, including four students from the CMB: Angelique Moore, Nicolas Thomas, Alex Sklivas (from the Rehabilitation and Health Sciences PhD Program) and Alex Keeble (from the Physiology program) — and Moore was one of eight students at the conference awarded for her research presentation!

Two alumni of the Rehabilitation and Health Sciences PhD Program, Bailey Peck, PhD, (pictured with poster), and Davis Englund, PhD, were also in attendance to represent and support the Center for Muscle Biology.

“The UK CMB was well represented and was noticed by all,” said Endowed University Professor in Health Sciences Esther E. Dupont-Versteegden, Ph.D., professor of Physical Therapy and director of the Rehabilitation and Health Sciences PhD Program, as well as the Center for Muscle Biology.