Tuesdays Abroad: ‘You Won’t Want to Come Home’

By Ryan Clark
CHS Communication Director
Haley Mays had one last chance to explore another country on an education abroad experience.
“I always wanted to study abroad and explore another country,” says the 23-year-old who graduated last year with a degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. “I was a senior at this point, and this was my last chance to study abroad, so I took it!”
Haley, a native of Beattyville, Ky., who is now in graduate school, was able to travel to London, England, with an educational program. It proved to be a life-changing experience.

“Professionally, I made so many connections with professors and students from other universities,” she says. “Personally, I got to explore a city and learn how to travel abroad semi-independently. I also had to step out of my comfort zone, as I went without anyone I knew and had to make new friends.”
This month, the College of Health Sciences is featuring stories from students or faculty members who have had educational experiences overseas. We’re calling it Tuesdays Abroad — and we’re using this space to show just how influential these voyages can be.
Over the past year, the College has put an increased focus on Education Abroad, launching a CHS Global Initiatives website and emphasizing the benefits that an experience to a foreign country can add to one’s overall college experience. Studies show that students who participate reduce their time to degree, earn a higher GPA at degree, and are more likely to graduate in both four and six years.
Of the many memories Haley was able to create, one stands out.
“Celebrating New Year’s Eve in London,” she says.
And what advice does she have for other students thinking of an education abroad experience?
“My only regret is that I didn’t choose a longer program,” she says. “I know that it is scary to take the leap and commit to a program, but once you go you won’t want to come home. My study abroad experience was one of the best parts of my undergraduate career!”