Beginning in 2011, the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky undertook an effort to identify community coalitions, collectives, collaborations, groups…
Improving quality of life for all
Recent News
Cardinal Hill in Lexington has brought local sled hockey to our attention. You can participate from 2:30- 4:00 pm on the following dates:…
This funding opportunity states that “Expensive equipment or training shouldn’t be the biggest hurdle athletes face in their endeavors.…
This seminar will be presented by Pat Kitzman and Beth Hunter on Friday 12/2/16 from 1:00-3:00. You can…
It’s that time of the year again! Are you caring for an older loved one that has Medicare and Medicare D (prescription coverage) or a Medicare C (…
The Madison County Falls Prevention Task Force is bringing awareness to their community on this important topic! Visit their website at…
Click here for our meeting minutes - they are chock-…
AIM! Advocacy + Inclusion on a Mission is a disability education program. Most often, kindergarten through fifth-grade students experience…
Kentucky Congress on Spinal Cord Injury has developed a Restaurant Accessibility Report Card. They encourage individuals with disabilities to…
Thank you, Kentucky Congress on Spinal Cord Injury for your dynamic annual meeting. We received great information about voting, equipment,…