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UK College of Health Sciences

your gateway to
the health professions

what can you learn here?

AT with UK Football Player

Athletic Training

  • Physician Icon
    Faculty/Student Ratio
  • Chart Icon
    Job Outlook, 2023-33 (U.S. BLS)
  • Money Icon
    Median Salary (U.S. BLS)

Athletic Trainers are highly qualified, multi-skilled health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Athletic trainers work under the direction of a physician as prescribed by state licensure statutes.

Students in Classroom

Clinical Leadership and Management

  • Light Bulb Icon
    healthcare management jobs in KY (U.S. BLS)
  • Graph Icon
    job growth (U.S. BLS)
  • Physician Icon
    Faculty/Student Ratio

Clinical Leadership and Management (CLM) lays the groundwork for graduates to pursue advanced education and careers as competent and effective leaders prepared to engage in ethical and interprofessional healthcare management practice.


Communication Sciences and Disorders

  • Money Icon
    median annual salary (National Median Pay, U.S. BLS)
  • Graph Icon
    job growth (2018-28, U.S. BLS)
  • Grad Hat Icon
    licensing exam pass rate

Speech-language pathologists are healthcare professionals who help individuals throughout their lifespan who have speech, language, hearing, feeding, or swallowing disorders. They evaluate and treat problems related to speech sound production, comprehension and production of language, voice, stuttering, swallowing, orofacial anomalies, communication modalities, and hearing.

HHS Student in Lab Setting

Human Health Sciences

  • Graph Icon
    student's awarded Dean's list
  • Light Bulb Icon
    average gpa
  • Grad Hat Icon
    graduate rate

HHS graduates are prepared to pursue advanced degree programs in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physician assistant studies, athletic training, physical therapy, occupational therapy, optometry, medical research, and more. HHS provides undergraduate students with a comprehensive look at health care practices, a solid foundation in basic science, and robust opportunities to engage in real-world clinical experiences.

Clinician in lab setting

Medical Laboratory Science

  • Money Icon
    median annual salary (National Median Pay, U.S. BLS)
  • Graph Icon
    job growth (2012-24, U.S. BLS)
  • Light Bulb Icon
    licensing exam pass rate

Medical laboratory scientists help improve lives by providing essential clinical information to health care providers. They are responsible for assuring reliable results that contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of physiological and pathological conditions. Laboratory tests are extremely valuable and contribute up to 70 percent of medical decisions made by health care providers.

Physical Therapy student practicing in classroom

Physical Therapy

  • Physician Icon
    employment rate
  • Graph Icon
    job growth (2022-32, U.S. BLS)
  • Grad Hat Icon
    licensing exam pass rate (5-year avg)

The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice defines physical therapy as "a dynamic profession with an established theoretical base and widespread clinical applications in the preservation, development, and restoration of optimal physical function."

PAS Students in practice

Department of Physician Assistant Studies

  • Money Icon
    median annual salary (National Median Pay, 2022 U.S. BLS)
  • Chart Icon
    job growth (2022-32, U.S. BLS)
  • Grad Hat Icon
    graduates since 1974

Physician assistants (PA) are health professionals who practice medicine as members of a team with their supervising physicians. PAs deliver a broad range of medical and surgical services to diverse populations in rural and urban settings. As part of their comprehensive responsibilities, PAs conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order and interpret tests, counsel on preventive health care, assist in surgery, and prescribe medications.

Researcher in lab

Rehabilitation and Health Sciences PhD Program

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  • Money Icon
    grant funding
  • Grad Hat Icon
    average years to graduation

The Rehabilitation Sciences Doctoral Program at the University of Kentucky is among the few of its kind in the nation to grant a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Sciences and has one of the highest percentages of students graduating within five years at the university.


Office of Research and Scholarship

  • Light Bulb Icon
    new accounts in FY25
  • Money Icon
    new funding in FY25
  • Graph Icon
    of funded projects
Audiologist working with child patient

Doctorate of Audiology

  • Increasing Bar Graph
    anticipated employment growth (BLS 2023-2033)
  • Money Icon
    median annual wage (BLS)
  • Light Bulb icon
    best health care jobs (US News)