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Certificate in Nutrition for Human Performance

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Female Athlete

Program Description

Human Health Sciences (HHS), in collaboration with Kinesiology and Health Promotion (KHP) and Dietetics and Human Nutrition (DHN), is now offering an undergraduate Certificate in Nutrition for Human Performance. The purpose of this certificate is to focus on the integration of nutrition and exercise to properly support physical activity, fitness, and athletic performance at all levels, from those just starting an exercise program, to elite athletes, and those recovering from injury. The Certificate in Nutrition for Human Performance also provides students with cross-disciplinary knowledge of the relationship between exercise physiology, nutrition, and overall wellness.

This certificate provides a unique opportunity to expand student knowledge in an area not traditionally, or adequately, addressed in each individual degree programs. For students in Dietetics and Human Nutrition, the certificate would provide specialized knowledge that would immediately make graduates more competitive at securing a supervised internship and/or employment (e.g. as a Registered Dietitian Nutrition (RDN) interested in professional certification as a specialist in sports nutrition).  For students in Human Health Sciences, the certificate would provide basic knowledge to make them a better-rounded candidate for professional school.  For students in Kinesiology and Health Promotion, the certificate would provide additional knowledge of the role of diet on health, wellness, and injury recovery.

Admissions Criteria

In addition to available classroom seating, the admissions criteria for the certificate are:

  • 3.0 GPA
  • Completion of a 100 or 200 level basic nutrition course
  • Completion of a 200-level physiology course
  • Undergraduate classification as a Junior or Senior or post-baccalaureate status

Before beginning, all students accepted into the certificate program will be required to:

  • Provide evidence of all admissions criteria to one of the Certificate Co-Directors

Required Coursework

A total of 14 credit hours will be required for the certificate. All required courses for the certificate must be completed with a “B” or better. Courses are described below and can be adapted to accommodate students enrolled in The Honors Program as requested:

  1.  Student Choice:
    DHN 315: Nutrition Issues in Physical Activity (3CH)
    KHP 240: Nutrition and Physical Fitness (3CH)
     **KHP students are expected to take KHP 240; DHN students are expected to take DHN 315; HHS students and qualified students in other programs are expected to discuss their preference with a certificate Co-Director
  2.  KHP 420G: Physiology of Exercise (3CH)
  3.  HHS 400G: Nutrition for Physical Activity, Injury Prevention, and Rehabilitation (2CH)
  4. Student Choice of Experiential Learning Experience (3CH):
    HHS 395: Independent Study in HHS or
    DHN 591: Special Topics in DHN or
    KHP 395: Independent In KHP
    * Students could elect to complete this requirement under the direction of different mentors as long as they demonstrate this is justified for Nutrition for Human Performance.
  5. Student Choice (3CH):
    HHS 402G: Muscle Biology
    3CH course approved by Certificate Director (Dr. Thomas) or Co-Directors (Drs. Bergstrom or Combs)

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