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News & Events
Click here for the meeting minutes. Please note that we will not…
Our meeting site at Cardinal Hill is not available for our meeting on June 6. We feel this is a good time to experiment with a new meeting…
Congrats to Heidi McKenzie and Brandy Brock, who have received scholarships to attend the …
American Stroke Month 2017 is upon us! The American Heart Association developed an online Activation Toolkit to promote the campaign.…
The stroke support group has celebrated its second year anniversary, and its numbers have increased to such an extent that a larger location…
Mr. Gabe Beversluis recently introduced himself to us. He has joined …
The Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) at the University of Kentucky is administering scholarships to Appalachian…
UK Center of Ex cellence in Rural Health is pleased to announce the third-annual Appalachian Research Day, Come Sit on the Porch.