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Ming-Yuan Chih, PhD, MHA

Integrating mHealth for Alcohol Use Disorders into Clinical Practice

University of Wisconsin (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism)

Mobile health systems (such as applications on smartphones) can monitor patients almost constantly and deliver help (messages, support, reminders, information) just when it’s needed. This project examines if such systems help primary care patients recover from alcohol use disorder. If so, is such a system more effective when used by patients independently or with monitoring from clinicians?

Period of Performance: 08/2018 to 04/2024

Total Value: $120,550

Virginia Valentin, DRPH, PA-C

An Analytic Approach to Examining the Relationship between State Scope of Practice Reforms and Physician Assistant Labor Demand

American Academy of Physicians Associates

The objective of this study is to increase the understanding of the impact of state scope of practice laws on physician assistant job availability by state, employer type and geographic region while controlling for a robust set of covariates.

Award: $27,778

Virginia Valentin, DRPH, PA-C

Promoting Resilience and Mental Health Among Health Professional Workforce

University of Utah

The purpose of this program is to provide support to entities providing health care to promote resilience and wellness. The project will expand to resilience training to regional rural clinics, while taking into consideration underserved communities. The goal of the program is for health care to organizations to adopt, promote, and demonstrate a culture of wellness that includes resilience for the professional health workforce.

Period of Performance: 01/2021 to 12/2023

Total Value: $14,534

Joshua Winters, PhD, CSCS

Improving Psychological and Vestibular Health in People with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI), Using a Novel Intervention Technology: the Making INformed Decisions in Gaze and Postural Stability (MINDGAPS) System

University of Montana

The MINDGAPS system will utilize wearable sensor technology to measure gaze and postural stability, as well as leveraging data to compare patient data to baseline results. This study is designed to examine the efficacy of the MINDGAPS system, and its feasibility of practice in remote/telehealth fields.

Period of Performance: 12/2022 to 11/2024

Total Value: $73,000

Debra Suiter, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, F-ASHA

Dysphagia: In Search of a United Definition for the Aging Population

National Institute on Aging

This conference will provide uniformity in the literature and throughout the healthcare landscape, driving informed decision-making, diagnostic accuracy, targeted treatment and early prevention of dysphagia in aged persons. Following, the conference findings will help to reduce the burden of complications and, in turn, healthcare costs.

Period of Performance: 12/2022 to 11/2024

Total Value: $94,672