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Clinical Instructor Frequently Asked Questions

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Before the clinical course begins:

What are the latest Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) student supervision guidelines?

To support you in your student supervision decisions, we have several links below to help answer your questions. For the APTA documents describing student supervision with Medicare Part B click here.

What will the UK Division of Physical Therapy send me prior to the student’s rotation?

When the student is assigned, we email you a letter including the student’s name and contact information. About a month before the clinical begins, we email PT CPI Web information. We also email a packet containing a student letter of introduction, course syllabus and objectives, student personal goals, certificate of liability insurance and other pertinent information.

What should I expect the student to do prior to the rotation?

The student is required to make contact with the Site Coordinator by phone or email three weeks prior to the start date to confirm important details.

What does the student need to know prior to the rotation?

Parking, arrival time, lunch, hours, dress, etc. If you could send the student examples of any forms as well as a description of common health conditions of people served, this would be very helpful.

During the Clinical Experience:

What should the student bring to clinic?

The student should bring a course manual and relevant course notes to use throughout the clinical experience.

Do I have to do an orientation on the first day?

Orientation sets the tone for the experience; however, life happens. If possible, give the student a tour and basic orientation to safety and emergency procedures on the first day. Most important is clear and frequent communication with the student, and orientation to most key policies and procedures within the first week.

What should I cover in the orientation?

Basic policies and procedures, safety and emergency information are essential. Review how feedback will be provided, how often, and preferred venue. Ideally short, daily meetings and weekly longer meetings work very well. Establish the expectations of the CI and student.

What documentation should I be writing?

Keep a written record of incidents (positive and negative) throughout the rotation. We ask that for most courses you provide midterm and final feedback on the CPI Web 3.0.

Am I responsible for grading the student?

No. You will rate the student on their performance. The Director of Clinical Education (DCE) and Associate DCE assign the grade.

If a student is not performing at expected levels, how soon should I call the DCE?

If you have concerns, be sure and openly discuss with the student first. If the issue remains unresolved, the SCCE should be involved. The SCCE and CI are encouraged to contact the DCE early in the process if concerns persist. Either the CI or SCCE are welcome to call the DCE/ADCE to get perspective or advice and to discuss strategy at any time.