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Instructions for Obtaining and Submitting References Letters:

  • Please copy and send the link below to each of your reference letter writers.
  • Reference writers MUST submit their letters for you via our reference portal by February 1st.
    • Late letters or letters submitted in any other format other than through our portal will not be accepted. 

The CSD undergraduate program at the University of Kentucky admits students to the pre-professional major on a selective and competitive basis. Applicants are REQUIRED to have completed a minimum of 42 college credit hours PRIOR TO APPLICATION to the major. Applicants also need a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA to be considered for admission. (*Please note: Standardized test scores are no longer required for our application. If you have an ACT or SAT score, though, feel free to submit that score as part of the application. It will only be used for demographic purposes.)  Specific course requirements needed prior to application to the major are (1) completion of an Introduction to Psychology or General Psychology course (AP credit and transfer credit are allowed to satisfy this requirement), and (2) completion of CSD 277 - Intro to CSD**. Students not meeting these minimum program requirements will not be evaluated by the admissions committee. Admissions are conducted using a holistic evaluation approach using (1) the applicant's cumulative grade-point average (GPA) from all higher education institutions attended, (2) ACT or SAT scores (optional)*, (3) three letters of recommendation, (4) at least three professionally-related experiences (including observations and professional interest activities), (5) at least three community service/leadership activities, and (6) an essay authored by the student based on a question prompt. (** 1. Transfer students from outside of UK will have the CSD 277 course admissions requirement automatically waived, if they are coming from a university that doesn't have an equivalent class.  2. In addition, the program will consider, on a case-by-case basis, requests to waive the CSD 277 requirement for current UK students who are applying to the CSD major during their Junior or Senior year. )

All applications will be evaluated by a faculty committee during the Spring semester of each academic year, with admission decisions e-mailed to the student during the latter half of March. Newly accepted students will begin the CSD program in the Fall semester following admission. Please note that successful admission to the UK undergraduate CSD program does not indicate or imply future admission into the CSD graduate program. The undergraduate and graduate program application processes are independent of each other. 

Please make sure to read the CSD ADMISSIONS FAQ for critical information with regard to application materials, do's and don'ts, selection procedures used by the faculty for admissions, and answers to a whole range of common questions posed by students. Note: Students transferring from another institute of high education must also follow the general admissions procedure to the University of Kentucky according to established timelines.

A completed application to our program consists of an online application with all required files uploaded through the online application portal. The online application must be submitted between December 1st and February 1st. The deadline for submitting ALL elements of the CSD undergraduate program application is February 1st by 4 pm. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that ALL parts of the application, including letters of recommendation, are uploaded to our online portal by the due date and time of February 1st at 4 pm. Any part of an application sent via US Mail or any other postal-type service will not be accepted. Any incomplete application without uploaded items after the Feb 1st, 4 pm deadline will not be considered or evaluated.  (Please note: If Feb 1st falls on a weekend day, applications will be due the following Monday by 4 pm.)

For further information or questions regarding the CSD undergraduate majors program, please e-mail Dr. Richard Andreatta, Director of CSD Undergraduate Studies ( For general admissions help, please contact the College of Health Sciences Office of Student Affairs.